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Wed, Dec 06, 23.

Habakkuk—The Wrath and Justice of YAHWEH

  1. The Glory of Yahweh will be Revealed [Hab 2:14]
    1. God will destroy the labour of the nations with fire [Hab 2:13] They will have no legacy.
    2. The Wicked (antichrist) will build up his realm with unjust gain and his city with bloodshed and his town by crime piling up stolen goods and making himself rich by extortion [Hab 2:9-12]
  2. Resurrection. [Hab 2:4 “the righteous will live”] [Hab 2:7 “your debtors will suddenly arise”] There will be a resurrection of the righteous, i.e. those who have their faith in God, who trust in him.
    1. The Wicked will become the victim of the resurrected righteous [Hab 2:7]
    2. The wicked will be plundered by the living [Hab 2:8]
    3. The cup of Yahweh’s wrath is given to the Wicked to drink bringing him shame [Hab 2:16]
    4. At the end of it all, Yahweh will take his place in his temple, becoming Lord of the whole earth and causing there to be peace and quite [Hab 2:20]
  3. The Wrath of God—Yahweh arises to shake the earth [Hab 3:6]
    1. The occasion of this wrath is during a trouble of his people [Hab 3:13-14“when his (the Wicked) warriors stormed out to scatter us”
    2. Yahweh sets out to deliver his people, [Hab 3:13] his anointed (not Christ but Israel)
    3. Yahweh does this through Christ. “Though wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed” KJV
    4. He starts from Teman in Edom [Hab 3:3 Gen 36:11Jer 49:7Amo 1:12Oba 1:9]
      1. Its either Mt. Paran is in Teman or that Yahweh moves from Teman to Mt. Paran
    5. Yahweh’s destination was Israel, to go and deliver his people[Hab 3:13]
      1. Or his people were in the lands he went through
    6. Yahweh moves from Paran to his finaldestination—his temple [Hab 2:20]—with wrath[Hab 3:5-12]
      1. Plague will go before him [Hab 3:5]
      2. Pestilence will follow his steps [Hab 3:5]
      3. Mountains and hills, (governments and kingdoms) will crumble and collapse before him [Hab 3:6-7]
      4. There will be earthquakes, the mountains will shake, the seas will be terribly turbulent, new rivers will be formed [Hab 3:9-10]
      5. Yahweh will trouble the nations [Hab 3:6,9]
      6. At the end of his wrathful journey, Yahweh will enter his temple [Hab 2:20] The silence that follows Yahweh’s entrance into his temple may be
        1. A reference to the peace of Yahweh’s reign or
        2. May imply that Yahweh takes his place in his temple to judge the living resulting in quietness
      7. The Wicked will be crushed. Yahweh will crush the leader of the land of wickedness, his head will be pierced with his own spear
      8. Calamity will befall the enemy nation[Hab 3:16]

Main Characters in Habakkuk’s Prophecy

  1. Yahweh
  2. Yahweh’s people
  3. The Wicked, e. the antichrist
  4. The Leader of the land of wickedness, e. the dragon
  5. The nations

Cities, Nations and Peoples in Habakkuk’s Prophecy

  1. Judah
  2. Mount Zion
  3. Edom
  4. Teman [Hab 3:3]
  5. Mount Paran [Hab 3:3]
  6. The Nations [Hab 3:12]
  7. Cushan, the tents of [Hab 3:7]
  8. Midian, dwellings of [Hab 3:7]
  9. Lebanon [Hab 2:17]

The Conflict of Habakkuk’s Prophecy

There are two conflicts in Habakkuk,

  1. The prevalence of injustice and unrighteousness in the earth and the oppression and suppression of the righteous although Yahweh who is righteous is the Lord of the earth. [Hab 1:2-4,13]. It is almost as if there was no God over the earth [Hab 1:14“You have made men… like sea creatures that have no ruler.”
    1. For the above conflict Yahweh arises to judge the earth letting them know that he is God
  2. The second conflict which is related to the first is between Yahweh and the nations and it is over the treatment of his people. Yahweh’s people are treated as if they have no God, as if Yahweh were not their God.
    1. The nations gather against Yahweh’s people.
    2. Yahweh sets out to deliver them and to ensure that his people are never threatened again.

Major Events & Turning Points in Habakkuk’s Eschatology

  1. Enemy nation builds up his realm [Hab 1:15-162:5-10]
  2. Israel in trouble
  3. Yahweh sets out from Mt. Paran/Teman to deliver his people and to judge the nations [Hab 3:3]
  4. Yahweh shakes the earth and seas destroying the labour of the nations [Hab 2:133:8-12]
  5. Yahweh arrives at his destination and delivers his people crushing the leader of the land of wickedness
  6. Yahweh takes his place in his temple
  7. There is silence as he judges the whole earth

The Wrath and Justice of YAHWEH “…you cannot tolerate wrong. Why then… are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?” Habakkuk 1-3

Enemy nation attack Yahweh people [hab 3:13-14] different from the other attack
Enemy nation builds up his realm with sin [hab 1:15-16; 2:5-10]
Yahweh sets out from Mt. Paran/Teman [hab 3:3]
Enemy nation attack Yahweh people [hab 1:13; 3:16b]
Yahweh in anger, shakes the earth & thrashes the nations [hab 3:6,12]
Yahweh crushes the leader of the land of wickedness [hab 3:13] Yeahweh pieces the head with his own spear [hab 3:14]
Peace and quiet in the earth [hab 2:20]
Messiah is rejected –he is struck on the cheeks [Mic 5:1]
Yahweh judges the earth? [hab 2:10]
Yahweh enters his holy Temple [hab 2:10]
There turbulence in nature The labour of nations is destroyed with fire New rivers are formed [hab 2:13; 3:8-12]
Resurrection of the righteous [hab 2:4,7]

Habakkuk’s question about God’s justice, which God resolves at his coming, concerns both

  1. individuals and
  2. Nations